Morelia - Walking Tour

We found a really good Morelia walking tour map and guide on the Vagabond Buddha website here. There is a link to a Google Map and the page has concise details about each stop on the tour.

The tour starts in the main plaza, but we decided to take it in reverse order starting at the "Alley of Romance" (Callejón del Romance). The Uber driver suggested dropping us off at this walking street a few blocks from the Alley of Romance at "Plaza Morelos" because there were more alters along the walking street and it is a beautiful area as well.

Entrance to the Plaza Morelos walking street.
I was instantly attracted to the "alien Catrina" because I'm an alien from Roswell!
Day of the Dead altars were all along the walking street.
End of the walking street with Tarascas Fountain in the distance.
Entrance to the Alley of Romance (Callejón del Romance).
Buildings decorated in the Alley of Romance.
Fountain at the end of the Alley of Romance.
Tarascas Fountain with the Aqueduct of Morelia (completed 1730) in the background. The three beautiful women are indigenous princesses Atzimba, Erendira, and Tzetzangari. Nudity was a social norm.
Park next to Tarascas Fountain decked out for Day of the Dead.
Walking toward the main plaza and the cathedral in the distance.
Beautiful stone buildings in all of the centro area.
Templo de San Francisco was the first temple built in Morelia. It is the left part of the building and on the right is the Artisan Institute Michoacano (Casa de las Artesanías)
Templo de San Francisco
Patio inside of Artisan Institute Michoacano (Casa de las Artesanías).
Artisan Institute Michoacano (Casa de las Artesanías)
Old church and Convent of Carmen by Plaza Carmen.
There was a mass in progress while we were there. The priest was reading off names, so they must have been praying for the deceased.
Garden park across from the Music Academy of Las Rosas.
We ate a late breakfast in the sidewalk cafe next to the park.
Mexican artisan work in the park.
And lots of paintings.
Always more.
And we ended up at the Mercado de Dulces y Artisans. We didn't go to the main cathedral which was the actual end of the tour because we had already been there a few days before. And we'd seen plenty of cathedrals on this day!
We got in and out of the mercado as fast as we could because it was quite crowded.